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Acanthamoeba Broth (PYG), 5mL

Cat. no.



20 per package

Acanthamoeba Broth (PYG Medium) (Cat. No. K225) and Naegleria Broth (Cat. No. K325) are broths for the maintenance of stock cultures such as Acanthamoeba.

Non-Nutrient agar (Cat. No. G225) and Page's Saline (Cat. No. R225) are recommended to detect free-living pathogenic Acanthamoeba and Naegleria spp. cysts, trophozoites, and flagellates in tissue, soil, or water samples.

Simple procedure, prepared, ready-to-use media. Easy Read-out, microscopically visualizes (100x) distinct feeding tracks left behind by amebae.

More Information
Industry Clinical
Manufacturer Hardy Diagnostics
Pack Size 20 per package
Dimensions 13x100mm
Fill Volume 5ml
Container Material Glass
Parasitology Catalog