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MOT Disks, (MUG, ONPG, Tryptophan), for Identification of E. coli & other Enterobacteriaceae

Cat. no.



50 per package

It is known that approximately 50% of all clinical isolates and 80% of Gram-negative bacilli are from the family Enterobacteriaceae; the most common of which is Escherichia coli. Most Enterobacteriaceae can be recognized by their reactions to a few chemical compounds. M.O.T. discs provide the tests (ONPG, Indole, MUG and Indol-pyruvic acid) needed to identify approximately 80% of such organisms, the others requiring further testing.

M.O.T. discs are sold 50 per bottle.

The following items are also required but not provided:

  • 24 hour growth on media
  • Small non-fluorescent test tubes
  • Microbiology loop or needle
  • Distilled water, neutral pH
  • Long-wave fluorescent light
More Information
Industry Cannabis QA Testing, Clinical, Environmental, Food Safety
Manufacturer Key Scientific
Pack Size 50 per package