Bottle & Jar Media
- Letheen Broth with 2X LT (LLT80), 1000ml fill, 1L Polypropylene Bottle
Cat. no. U329
PACK SIZE: 10 per package
- Mannitol Yeast Extract Peptone (MYEP) Broth, 90ml, Wide Mouth Polycarbonate Jar
Cat. no. U214
PACK SIZE: 12 per package
- Modified Buffered Peptone Water with Pyruvate, Single Strength, 500ml, Polycarbonate Bottle
Cat. no. U289
PACK SIZE: 10 per package
- Modified Listeria Enrchment Broth, 225ml, Polycarbonate Bottle
Cat. no. U167
PACK SIZE: 10 per package