Membrane Filtration Media
- EE Broth Mossel, USP, Wide Mouth Polycarbonate Bottle, 100ml
Cat. no. U391
PACK SIZE: 12 per package
- Fluid Thioglycollate (FTM), with Indicator, USP, 10ml, Glass Tube with Flush Septa Cap
Cat. no. K282
PACK SIZE: 20 per package
- Reinforced Clostridial Medium, USP, 100ml, Boston Round, Glass Bottle
Cat. no. U172
PACK SIZE: 20 per package
- Tryptone-Azolectin-Tween® (TAT) Broth, 490ml Fill, Polypropylene Bottle
Cat. no. U318
PACK SIZE: 10 per package
- Violet Red Bile Agar (VRBA) with MUG (Methylumbelliferyl Glucuronide)/Violet Red Bile Agar (VRBA) with MUG, Biplate
Cat. no. J132
PACK SIZE: 10 per package
- m Endo LES Agar, for coliform membrane filtration, small 15x60mm Plate
Cat. no. G128
PACK SIZE: 10 per package
- Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) with Lecithin and Tween® 80, 400ml, Polycarbonate Bottle
Cat. no. U174
PACK SIZE: 10 per package
- Fluid Thioglycollate (FTM), with Indicator, USP, 10ml, Glass Tube
Cat. no. K121
PACK SIZE: 20 per package
- Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB), USP, 50ml, Boston Round, Glass Bottle
Cat. no. U44
PACK SIZE: 24 per package
- Universal Beer Agar (UBA) with Cyclohexamide (actidione), Small Plate
Cat. no. G182
PACK SIZE: 10 per package