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Swab, Amies with Charcoal, Single

Cat. no.



500 per case

Single swab with a black coded cap with protective overskirt cap rings to ensure containment of biohazardous material. Thick tube wall protects medium from dehydration.Spiral media chamber keeps sample immersed and protected during transport. Has a round bottom tube for easy racking. The seamless molding ensures tube strength and integrity. The rayon swab tip is inert, non-toxic and permits good sample retrieval and absorption. Packaged to promote optimum medium performance. The premium thickness bag creates a barrier environment to prevent premature medium dehydration and ismetalized to protect medium from harmful UV rays. The bag also features a ziplock closure, which promotes resealing the bag to maintain the remaining swabs at peak performance.

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Industry Clinical
Manufacturer Starplex Scientific, Inc.
Pack Size 500 per case