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H-Pack, Wright-Giemsa Stain

Cat. no.



6 per case

These stain packs are designed to eliminate problems with precipitate, artifacts, drying of slides, and overstaining which causes abnormal staining characteristics of all cellular elements, i.e., false toxic granulation. One adjustment should be all that is necessary to obtain desired color and intensity. Buffer solution compliments individual stain lots to allow consistent staining characteristics. Normal and abnormal WBC’s and platelets are vividly demonstrated. Bacteria within leukocytes can be clearly observed. RBC staining gives excellent results of normal cellular elements including all abnormalities and inclusion bodies. Parasites, such as malaria, are well-defined. Bone marrow preps can be stained routinely. Freezing or high temperature will not cause change in staining ability. Stain pack is designed to be used at room temperature. SHAKE WELL BEFORE.

USE PRECAUTIONS: The solvent for the stain is methanol, which is flammable. Store at room temperature. IN THE EVENT OF COLD WEATHER, allow solution to return to room temperature and SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE.

CONTENTS: Wright Stain, Giemsa Stain, May-Grunwald Stain, Methanol, Buffers, Stabilizers

These solutions are made from certified dyes (when applicable).


More Information
Industry Clinical
Manufacturer ENG Scientific
Pack Size 6 per case