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Wright-Giemsa Stain Kit

Cat. no.



3 bottles per order

The Wright's and Wright-Giemsa Stains are the versatile, economical answer for today's laboratories. Excellent for use in staining blood parasites, platelets, and bone marrows, as well as routine blood smears. These products were developed to give faster staining and more cellular detail. Sophisticated production techniques achieve a colloidial suspension of ultra-fine stain particles for precise differential staining with unsurpassed cell morphology and cytoplasmic detail. Uniform processing means excellent lot-to-lot consistency, more rapid penetration, and total stain times of only one minute without over staining - important in eliminating false toxic granulation and neutrophils. Both Wright's and Wright-Giemsa work well with the Midas Stainer, Sakura Automated Slide Stainer, Geometric Data-Hematstainer and the Hema-Tek Stainer.

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Industry Clinical
Manufacturer Volu-Sol
Pack Size 3 bottles per order
Shipment Method Ground Only