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Monthly Archives: August 2015

  1. August 28, 2015

    Modern Case of an Archaic Plague

    On September 13th, 2009 a University of Chicago researcher, Malcom Casadaban, was admitted to a local hospital due to fever, aches, cough and shortness of breath. Blood tests indicated renal failure, severely elevated white blood cell count, and a left shift in the ratio of immature to mature neutrophils. Blood smears indicated bacteremia. The patient was treated with vancomycin and pipercillin/tazobactam...

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  2. August 26, 2015

    Microbes and The Final Frontier

    Space: the final frontier. Most hear the word and are immediately greeted by a myriad of images. Most of which are only fifty years old or younger. Sputnik's primitive shape against the inky blackness of space, a Saturn V rocket's gargantuan form ascending into the sky, Neil Armstrong planting an American flag on the moon, even Chris Hadfield singing a cover of David Bowie's "Space Oddity" from the...

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  3. August 25, 2015

    Plagued Waters: Legionnaires Disease

    If you have seen the news lately, you may have heard about the recent outbreaks of Legionnaires' disease in New York city, particularly the South Bronx. Over one hundred people have been affected by the illness and twelve people have died from the disease.   While Legionnaire's disease may sound like something that plagued ancient Rome, but it's namesake does not reflect how "young" our knowledge...

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  4. August 24, 2015

    Dogs and Dust Microbes

    Many people decide to become dog owners for reasons such as companionship, protection of one’s home, or simply the happiness that is felt every day from being greeted by a furry friend. To add to this list, owning a dog might also change the microbial composition in your gut and alleviate the symptoms of allergies.

    Researchers have found that dogs contribute to an increased diversity of bacteria i

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  5. August 20, 2015

    A Greener Culture

          Hybrid, Zero Emissions, Paperless: These, amongst others, are keywords that have become so woven into our daily vernacular that the very sight of them has almost become second nature. The movement to conserve energy or “Going Green” has been enjoying an all-time height of relevancy.  Environmental concerns such as climate change have become symbiotic with concerns from the scientific communi...

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  6. August 20, 2015

    Microbial Artisans

    Art restoration experts spend countless hours in awkward positions, breathing in harsh chemicals while meticulously cleaning, varnishing, and stippling irreplaceable works of art. A shaky hand or a rough touch could result in the destruction of a priceless work of art.  Consequently, students at the Polytechnic University of Valencia’s Institute of Heritage Restoration may have an unlikely alley. In...

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