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Monthly Archives: August 2020

  1. August 27, 2020

    Vitamin D - A neglected option of treatment and prevention of COVID-19 infections

    Below are quotes from numerous studies showing that Vitamin D can be useful in the battle against COVID-19 infections.

    "Several groups of researchers from different countries have found that the sickest patients often have the lowest levels of vitamin D, and that countries with higher death rates had larger numbers of people...

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  2. August 13, 2020

    Controlling Weight with Probiotics- Akkermansia muciniphilaand the Microbiome

    Without a doubt one of the greatest health problems plaguing Americans to date is obesity.  The CDC reports that currently 42.4% of adults in the US are obese with a body mass index (BMI) between 30-40. Among these individuals, 9.2% were reported as having severe obesity with a BMI greater than 40. (1) In addition to proper nutrition and physical activity, scientists are looking into the role...

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  3. August 13, 2020

    CBD: How Pet Parents are Leading the Pack -The current landscape for pets and medical cannabis products

    CBD: How Pet Parents are Leading the Pack -The current landscape for pets and medical cannabis products In America, around 70% of households own a pet. This means that roughly 90.5 million families have welcomed a four legged (or maybe feathered) friend into their homes. (Rainwalk...

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