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Health & Wellness

  1. January 12, 2018

    The Illness in our Pockets; Cellphones and the Spread of Disease.

    Think of your daily morning routine. You wake up, shower, get dressed, eat, gather your belongings, and make your way out the door to work or wherever the day takes you. Most everyone has a mental checklist of the items we can’t forget in order to function properly throughout the day. I can’t speak for everyone, but most of our lists  follow these general guidelines; “Phone, keys, wallet, beverage of cho...

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  2. December 15, 2017

    Legionnaires' Disease at Disneyland

    The Happiest Place on Earth just made news in November for all the wrong reasons. Disneyland recently shut down two contaminated cooling towers after health officials discovered the towers had elevated levels of Legionella bacteria.

    Eleven separate cases of Legionnaires’ disease have surfaced in the Anaheim area. The victims were infected sometime between late August and October. A...

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  3. December 08, 2017

    Hep A Strikes in San Diego

    On September 1, 2017, San Diego County officials declared a state of emergency due to a major outbreak of Hepatitis A in the region.  

    Since November 2016, 544 infections and 20 deaths have been reported. In comparison, for the last five years, San Diego County has recorded only 28 cases annually on average. Among the recent outbreak of reported cases, the majority have been homeless i...

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  4. November 17, 2017

    How To Avoid Infecting Your Thanksgiving Guests

    In September 1620, a group of separatists seeking religious freedom of worship as well as bountiful land sailed from Plymouth, England for the New World. After a 66 day journey, the Mayflower dropped anchor off the coast of Cape Cod, nearly 200 miles north of their intended destination.  They of course, in true European fashion, named their new colony Plymouth after their departing port.


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  5. November 10, 2017

    Resistance to β-Lactam Antibiotics: New Solutions to an Old Problem  

    As we progress through the 21st Century, the looming threat of antimicrobial resistance and the urgent call for action have been expressed by the medical community worldwide.  Bacterial resistance mechanisms are becoming increasingly more common, especially to broad spectrum beta (β)-lactam antibiotics which include penicllins, cephalosporins, monobactams, and carbapenems....

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  6. October 13, 2017

    Can Mother's Microbiome Affect Her Child's Behavior?

    Amidst the myriad of effects we've found our gut microbiome can have on our daily lives, a recent study finds that it may also affect behaviors in our offspring, even long after they've exited the womb.
    Two newer studies using rats published by MIT and the University of Massachusetts Medical School explored the idea that the microbial population of the mother's gut can result
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  7. September 22, 2017

    Does Gardnerella vaginalis Play an Important Role in Urinary Tract Infections?

    A vaginal epithelial cell infected with multiple Gram negative and positive bacterial species including G. vaginalis, indicative of Bacterial Vaginosis (BV).

    Urinary tract infections are a result of bacteria entering the urinary tract through the urethra. When these bacteria arrive at the bladder, they begin to multiply, leading to an infection. In most cases, the urinary system can usually...

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  8. May 08, 2017

    Merciless MRSA

    If one antibiotic resistant bacteria that makes the news often, it is MRSA. Whether it be the recent

    infection of newborns at a major clinic or the infection of a national football team due to improper cleaning of gym equipment, MRSA accrues a lot of airtime. MRSA stands for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Staphylococcus aureus is most commonly...

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