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Industry Insights

  1. January 21, 2021

    Can a T Cell Test Predict Immune Status?

    New Study shows that assays for T Cells against COVID-19 can be good predictor of disease susceptibility.

    Ensuring that essential workers are healthy and can receive a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 during the pandemic is extremely important. However, a major question must be considered: How can we identify which individuals

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  2. January 07, 2021

    T cells vs Antibodies - The Unsung Warriors Against COVID-19

    A novel test for T cells show great promise in detecting immune status

    Antibodies often steal the spotlight when talking about immunity, but they are not the only protagonist in the immune system.

    T cells are specialized defenders activated in the adaptive...

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  3. December 21, 2020

    The COVID-19 Vaccines

    What are the differences and will they work?

    COVID-19 has dominated our lives for the better part of a year and yet we are left with more questions than we are answers. One of these questions most frequently brought up is how long will the antibodies be effective after a vaccination is given?
    IgG is a specific type...

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  4. December 08, 2020

    Coronaphobia and Coinfections

    The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak, caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), a pandemic on March 11, 2020. 1 Since then—at the time of writing—63,098,003 cases and 1,465,111 deaths have been reported from 191 afflicted countries/regions across the globe. 2 Along with its high transmissibility and...

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  5. November 20, 2020

    The Winnable Battles: HAIs and Antimicrobial Stewardship

    Control of drug-resistant organisms is a global problem. Pathogens are acquiring resistances and developing novel ways of surmounting antimicrobials at unprecedented rates. While infectious agents are becoming more and more resistant to the medicines that are currently in use, not enough drugs are being developed to combat them.1 

    In some instances, orders of bacteria,

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  6. November 19, 2020

    New Technology in the Fight Against Pneumonia

    Saving Patient Lives with Rapid Pneumonia Testing


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  7. November 05, 2020

    Can Regeneron's Antibody Cocktail Speed Recovery of COVID-19?

    Is this why President Trump Recovered so Quickly?

    In 1900, Nobel Laureate Emil von Behring demonstrated antibodies in blood plasma, or serum, could be transferred from one person or animal to another person, conferring immunity against an infectious agent-as illustrated in his work with horses to cure and prevent diphtheria...

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  8. September 25, 2020

    Blocking COVID with Antibodies

    As the number of global coronavirus cases continues to increase beyond 20 million, there is an urgent need for treatment for those infected with SARS CoV2. Internationally, biotech companies are working feverishly towards developing a vaccine to reduce infection rates. However, it is still unclear when a final product will be released and to what degree of immunity will be achieved. Until a permanent...

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  9. September 11, 2020

    How is Legionnaire’s Disease related to Covid?

    The COVID-19 pandemic is unlike any public health emergency we have seen in many decades. Nations have shut down borders, businesses, and life as people knew it. Aside from the obvious economic side effects of shutting down businesses, offices, schools, and other buildings, another potentially deadly disease may be on the rise as a consequence of the COVID-19 lockdowns and a sudden reopening of previously...

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  10. May 16, 2020

    Debugging the Mosquito Crisis

    One of the deadliest species known to man is Aedes aegypti, also known as the Yellow Fever mosquito. This species of mosquito is capable of carrying and spreading diseases such as chikungunya, zika, yellow fever, and dengue fever to more than half of the world's population. These diseases are the cause for millions of deaths every year and have increased substantially in the last 30 years.(1)...

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  11. March 30, 2020

    Will the new coronavirus go away when the weather warms up?

    This is the question that many are asking, but unfortunately, there is no easy answer. 
    First of all, we have to take a look at why the cold and flu viruses seem to dissipate in the summer months. There are four possible reasons why respiratory viruses are more common in the winter and tend to become less of a problem in the summer.


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  12. March 06, 2020

    COVID-19 Sample Collection Kits for Upper Respiratory Tract Specimens

    Due to the recent 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, we have
    been getting many inquiries about what type of swabs, media, and kits
    should be used for COVID-19 sample collection prior to testing. Below we
    have a short guide on which COPAN products meet the Centers for Disease
    Control and Prevention (CDC) Interim...

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  13. February 07, 2020

    Cause for Concern: Emerging Pan-resistant Candida auris

    Image result for candida auris
    photo courtesy of UCSF Health

    Candida auris was first described in 2009 and was first reported in the United States in 2016.(1)  It is a member of a growing group of yeasts that can cause candidiasis, yeast infections that are normally of little consequence, and treatable through a number of anti-fungal...

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  14. January 25, 2020

    Coronavirus Outbreak- What We Know Thus Far

    For the medical community 2020 has arrived with a sinister start. In the midst of Flu season, a new and far more ominous virus has emerged, gripping the world’s attention. We are of course talking about the recent outbreak of coronavirus in Wuhan, China with multinational reports emerging. The virus, a “cousin” of the SARS virus that struck in 2003 that caused nearly 8,100 cases, and resulted in 77...

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  15. January 16, 2020

    Hitting Pay Dirt- New Soil-Derived Antibiotics

    Antibiotic resistance has been an emerging critical threat that, according to the CDC, results in more than 2.8 million antibiotic-resistant infections in the U.S each year, of which 35,000 are fatal (1).

    To date, most every antibiotic at our disposal has been discovered in the dirt; these compounds exist as natural products that...

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