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  1. October 25, 2016

    Norovirus: The Notorious Virus by Jane Johnson of Microbiologics

    The average soccer ball is about 1.6 million times bigger than a grain of sand. A grain of sand is about a million times
    bigger than a single norovirus_cdc-philbacterial cell, and a single bacterial cell can be 40 to 100 times bigger than a norovirus...

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  2. June 15, 2016

    Innovative Methods of Combating Hospital-Acquired Infections

    Given the prevalence of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) in the United States, several companies are making efforts to develop technologies to reduce the occurrence of HAIs.  In a multistate point-prevalence survey of health care-associated infections in published in 2014, it was estimated that there were about 648,000 patients with 721,800 health care-associated infections in U.S. acute care...

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  3. August 28, 2015

    Modern Case of an Archaic Plague

    On September 13th, 2009 a University of Chicago researcher, Malcom Casadaban, was admitted to a local hospital due to fever, aches, cough and shortness of breath. Blood tests indicated renal failure, severely elevated white blood cell count, and a left shift in the ratio of immature to mature neutrophils. Blood smears indicated bacteremia. The patient was treated with vancomycin and pipercillin/tazobactam...

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