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Food Safety

  1. July 17, 2020

    Go with Your Gut—Your Gut Microbiome That Is!

    Listeria hysteria! Outbreaks have been popping up in a variety of foods over the years—however, not all infections are created equal. The severity of L. monocytogenes infection, also known as Listeriosis, is dependent on both the host’s immune system and the virulence of the strain.(1) Immunocompromised populations may experience encephalitis, meningitis, bacteremia, miscarriage, gas

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  2. March 14, 2020

    Antibiotic Resistance in Food Items

    In the United States, approximately 2.8 million people are infected with antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) every year resulting in billions of dollars in healthcare costs and approximately 35,000 deaths (1,2).

    About 80% of antibiotic use in the United States comes from the agriculture industry, particularly in the husbandry of cattle

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  3. February 27, 2020

    Is that really pharmaceutical grade cannabis?

    Cannabis has many
    different modes of delivery and applications for use. The most common ways that
    cannabis is used in our society today are: a smokeable, an edible, an oil or
    infused product. According to most market researchers, flower products and
    concentrates are the top sellers, with edibles and cosmetics also representing
    a solid segment of the market.[1]...

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  4. November 08, 2019

    Top 10 Germs in Cannabis That Can Make You Sick

    Many people are concerned about what kinds of microorganisms
    might be lurking in their cannabis products. Growers and cultivators are trying
    their best to understand how these contaminants, or “bugs,” may be getting into
    their products. Testing labs are working hard to properly screen and identify
    the worst offenders, even when they are not required to by the local

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  5. September 12, 2019

    We need Cannabis, not CannaBIZ

    We know that cannabis can
    make people sick. We know that the pathogens present in this medicine, like
    many others, have killed patients[i].
    We know that our most vulnerable and desperate cannabis patients are immunocompromised,
    terminal, and/or pediatric. WE, US, YOU AND I, must address patient safety in
    an informed and rational way. We do not...

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  6. March 23, 2018

    Under the microscope with Kombucha

    Kombucha, an effervescent beverage originating in Asia, has received much attention lately in the neutraceutical and alternative health industries as being an anti-carcinogenic, fermented tea. It is believed to help regulate the gut microbiome, aid in metabolism and cell proliferation, increase detoxification, and help protect the liver.

    Kombucha originated in China over 2,000 years ago and...

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  7. March 09, 2018

    A Not So Sweet Relationship? Trehalose and C. difficile

    Dietary sugar and Clostridium difficile are not usually two things you hear of in one sentence, but it was recently discovered that a sugar additive, trehalose, may encourage the virulence of Clostridium difficile.

    The supporting study titled “Dietary trehalose enhances virulence of epidemic Clostridium difficile” was very recently published in January 201...
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  8. February 02, 2018

    Are bananas, as we know them, becoming extinct?

    Bananas are the world’s most exported fruit and have become a dietary staple for many people and cultures. Of the 114 million tons produced annually, 85% are produced for consumption in the United States [1]. Unfortunately, the most popular fruit in the world may be under threat by a lethal fungal disease. Fusarium wilt of banana, or Panama disease, affects the seedless Cavendish banana, which is b
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  9. November 17, 2017

    How To Avoid Infecting Your Thanksgiving Guests

    In September 1620, a group of separatists seeking religious freedom of worship as well as bountiful land sailed from Plymouth, England for the New World. After a 66 day journey, the Mayflower dropped anchor off the coast of Cape Cod, nearly 200 miles north of their intended destination.  They of course, in true European fashion, named their new colony Plymouth after their departing port.


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  10. November 03, 2017

    The Growing Cannabis Market and Microbiology

    Marijuana legalization has been a hot topic in the news across the United States over the past few years.  In 2012, Colorado was the first state to pass legalization of recreational marijuana use. Prior to this, many states had legal medical prescription marijuana sales and usage on the books. However, Colorado’s move to legalize recreational cannabis use is a sign that the overarching public view of...

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  11. June 27, 2017

    Let's Taco 'bout Botulism.

    In late April of this year, there was an outbreak of botulism due to contaminated nacho cheese at a gas station outside of Sacramento, California. The issue is no longer a threat, as the lot of cheese has been recalled and was discarded on May 5, 2017. However, the outbreak took its toll on nine people which were hospitalized, and one person died. Incidents such as these remind us of the importance...

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  12. May 15, 2017

    Neutralizing the Situation

    In the past year, there have been ongoing concerns that sanitizers commonly used to reduce pathogens on poultry carcasses can lead to false-negative test results for Salmonella.  Salmonella are bacteria that can make people sick with an infection called salmonellosis.

    The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that Salmonella causes approximately...

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  13. April 24, 2017

    Vividly View Vibrio

    Next up for CHROM month, We examine HardyCHROM Vibrio and the risks of shooting back oysters on the half shell...

    Summer is fast approaching and beach goers everywhere are rejoicing. Warmer weather, sunny skies, and fresh seafood: what's not to love about summer? Well, the warmer weather brings something else besides people to the coastal waters. Summer is prime time for Vibrio....

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  14. March 20, 2017

    Contaminated Cantaloupes! Listeria on the Loose.

    Listeriosis or Listeria monocytogenes food poisoning is an infection which could be fairly mild or debilitating depending on the person infected. Young children, pregnant women, the elderly, or anyone with a compromised immune system are the most susceptible to Listeriosis. When a person is infected, symptoms of

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  15. February 10, 2017

    When Fast Food & Microbiology Make News, It’s Rarely a Good Thing.

    Since 1947, when the first drive-through restaurant was opened by Sheldon “Red” Chaney in Springfield, Missouri[1], the term “fast food” has become a staple of the American vocabulary.  McDonalds, Burger King, White Castle, In & Out, and Taco Bell: all of these have become so monolithically important to everyday life, that many can recite the menus by hear...

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