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Food Safety

  1. October 02, 2015

    Oh, Barnacles...

    Well...oysters to be more accurate.

    On October 1st, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) and the Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game’s Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) have announced a 14-day closure of oyster beds located in Duxbury Bay, Kingston Bay, Bluefish R...

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  2. September 24, 2015

    From Peanuts to Prison

    In 2008, a deadly Salmonella outbreak in peanut butter ran unbridled across 46 states. Its deadly rampage was responsible for nine deaths as well 714 confirmed cases of illness. This number is considered extremely conservative as the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) often state that for every reported case of Salmonella another 38 go unreported. This could put the potential affected...

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  3. September 08, 2015

    Cucumber Conundrum

    There are a few things you definitely want with your cucumbers. Ranch (obviously), Hummus (alternatively awesome), a cheesy artichoke dip (ok now I'm just hungry), but there is one thing you definitely do not want in your vegetable snack.... Salmonella.

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